Tuesday 19 June 2012

Back on the wagon!

8st 3lbs

Well today has been pretty tough to be honest. I have got so used to eating what I want when I want that going back to the attack phase is pretty depressing! The only good thing is that having been through it before I know it does work!

So for lunch I brought some plain chargrilled chicken from M&S and quest for 24 minutes for the privilege.....that's what having a lunch break in London is all about!

I ate my chicken when I got back to work, it had that horrible smell that only cooked chicken that has been sealed has! Anyway I made myself eat it all! After that I had a can of diet coke, hoping it would take the taste away, it did.....a bit!

I then started feeling a little peckish and remembered that I had my yogurt in the fridge which I had not yet eaten with the oatbran. Now if anyone here can tell me that they genuinely enjoy oatbran and yogurt when it goes all clumpy then I'll be damned!

We had a team meeting called late afternoon and can you believe it, free crisps, snacks AND cupcakes. I sat there very VERY tempted but remained loyal to the diet coke in my hand and left the meeting feeling very pleased with my will power!

When I got home I popped to the shops to stock up on some Dukan bits which I had run out of/gone out of date.

I decided that for dinner u would have mini chicken fillets with a tiny bit of Nandos sauce done on the George Forman. Now I know that is not strictly in the attack phase however I always used it in my PP days and it was fine!

I also decided to make some Dukan bread so I can have sandwiches for the next three days. I have made it loads of times so went about doing the same although I remember thinking when I put it in the oven...it's quite runny! Anyway half way into cooking I remembered I forgot the wheatbran, which I think you'll agree is quite an important ingredient when making bread! So I have some form of bread ready to take to work tomorrow....I will let you know what it's like!

I would give today a 4/10.

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