Who is Dukan Diet Diva?

Well to answer the question, I am however my real name is Lauren. I am 27 years old and live in Surrey with my partner Dave and our little kitty Molly.

Up until the age of about 24 I was pretty lucky in the sense that I never used to have to worry about my weight at all. I was always a size 6 without question and the main problem I had was finding clothes small enough to fit me, oh and the spiteful comments from girls asking if I had an eating disorder as I was so skinny!

I could literally eat a whole packet of chocolate biscuits with no consequences. McDonalds cheeseburgers were literally my best friend and Champagne was drunk more regularly then water! It was the lifestyle I lead and was increased when I went to work on cruise ships. I cannot begin to tell you the size of portions I had, the amount of alcohol I consumed not to mention the desserts and my main exercise consisted of lying by the pool getting a tan! However through all of this I was still a size 6 and weighed about 7st 10lbs.

Me on the beach in Barbados during my time on ships

So fast forward to February 2009 at 3am in the morning on 12th February. I was rushed into hospital with excruciating stomach pains. Before I knew what was happening I was being wheeled into theatre to have my appendix removed in emergency surgery.

From that day on my weight has never been the same and I have an awful problem with bloating which upsets me so much that I can’t even begin to describe how ugly I feel at the end of a meal.

I joined a gym in June 2010, that was £75 a month down the drain as I hated going and felt very self conscious with all the stick then girls there! At this point I was 9st 1lb so was a lot heavier then I was used too.

I remember as clear as day the moment I realised I was so unhappy with the weight I had put on. It was my boyfriends Dad’s 60th birthday and I was wearing an off the shoulder dress which had no support, in honesty it was kind of like a big hanky! I decided to by some ‘firm’ support pants from Debenhams. I put them on with the dress and felt instantly better so I decided I’d take it all off and show Dave and my Mum when they got home and see what they thought. I took the dress off and then went to take the pants off.......slight problem, they were well and truly stuck. I tried everything to get them off but they were not budging one bit. In the end I had to give up and stay in them for the rest of the day. When Dave got home I asked him to help but that didn’t work so we then had to ask my Mum too. I remember staring in the mirror with my Mum and Dave trying to get these control pants off with me with tears just streaming down my face.

One of the main problems I have is that I don’t look ‘fat’ if that makes sense. I am constantly being told I look ‘really well’ and I was ‘too thin’ before. It’s for that reason that people think I am stupid to get upset about my weight but to me it is a big thing and it is about how you feel. Dave says I just need to tone up but I think once I actually lose some weight it will spur me on to exercise more. I brought a cross trainer, used it every day for a month, reduced all my calorie intake to under 1500 a day and I lost 2lbs!

Me today

So that brings me to Thursday 11th August 2011 when I decided to sign up for the Dukan Diet! I was 8st 11lbs when I started and they have told me my target weight is 8st 2lbs which should be reached by 17th October 2011. So wish me luck and I hope you enjoy following my journey!

Thanks for reading!

L x