Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Today I had a family funeral so I must admit I didn't feel that hungry in the morning so once again I didn't have my porridge, bad i know!

I had half a day off for the funeral so had to be back by work for 2pm. As we were rushing around in the morning i forgot to bring anything with me for lunch so i stopped at the local Italian delicatessen and had a baguette with breaded chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and mayo. I must say i did munch on a handful of the crisps they gave me too.........

As i felt i had indulged at lunch I had a ham omlette for dinner and then had my chocolate porridge before i went to bed to make sure i still had my oatbran!

I will be really interested to see what the scales say about me having a baguette for lunch!

I'd give this day a 6/10


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Well to be honest the scales were kind to me this morning! I put on 1lb so i am 8st 2lb which is my target weight so I am fine with that!

When i got into work i was called into a meeting straight away so didn't have a chance to have my porridge, again!

For lunch i had Salmon with bread but seeing as i ran out of yeast to break my own bread last night I actually had two slices of wholemeal Hovis bread. You are allowed 2 slices a day on the consolidation period however i am making my own bread tonight as, like i mentioned on my previous blog, i am going to stick to the cruise diet as much as possible this week. I had to have it without any Philli too as I forgot to bring it into work! It was ok though!

I had Chicken & Mushrooms for dinner which i must admit i do really enjoy! I then had my porridge at about 10pm as I am conscious to get my daily oatbran in!

I'd give today 7/10!


Monday 5 September 2011

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

After getting over the shock of reaching the consolidation period a week early i was even more taken aback to find that, when i got on the scales, i was 1lb lighter therefore meaning I was now at 8st 1lb and my target weight was 8st 2lb!

My Mum rang us and asked if we wanted to go to a charity football and curry afternoon so we decided to go. When you reach consolidation phase you can have a celebratory meal so i decided the curry would be it! I had chicken curry, a very small portion of rice and and onion bargie. I didn't eat it all though as there was a small piece of chocolate brownie with my name all over it!

I then did something really naughty......there was an ice cream van selling ice creams (funny that) with all the proceeds going to charity so i couldn't resist having a mint Cornetto. I know i know i had already had dessert but i was 1lb under my target weight so i did let my hair down a little.

When I came home I had a ham omlette for dinner so i was good then! I guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow long as i am at my target weight I'll  be happy!

Although I am in the consolidation phase I have decided that I am going to try and stick to the cruise diet as much as possible. I had in my head I would be doing it until Friday anyway and to be honest if i could get down to 8st then it means even if i put 1lb or 2 on after a big meal etc then I will still be at my target weight.

I'd give this day 9/10!


Day 21 - Cruise

Day 21 - Cruise PV

I got on the scales today and not only had i not put on weight but i had reached my target weight!!! 1 whole week early! I was so excited and couldn't wait to update my daily report!

For my lunch I had Salmon and bread like yesterday as i enjoyed it so much we then went off to Westfield. I realised when we got to Westfield that I was so excited about reaching my target weight that i had forgotten to have my poriddge! Westfield was a nightmare as on every corner there were cupcakes and crepes and they are my two favourite things in the whole world!

On our way back we decided to go and see The Inbetweeners at the cinema. It is bloody typical, we haven't been to the cinema in ages and we have now been twice in the last 3 weeks so have had to resist the little yellow packets of M&M's crying out to me!

Before I went out I had my Nandos sckwers which filled me up and i also took a snack size bottle of Diet Coke.

I shouldn't have worried about the M&M's to be fair as the film was so funny i didn't even have time to think about it!

I'd give this day a 9/10!


Day 20 - Cruise

Day 20 - Cruise

As you can tell i was really fed up yesterday.....i guess everyone has days like that but it honestly was a shocking day!

For breakfast  had my normal porridge although i must admit, i didn't finish it all, just felt so full. I also honestly could not stomach the idea of tuna for lunch so i decided to have Salmon with a bit of extra light Philadelphia on bread and it was actually really nice!

We got an invite to our friends house warming in the evening and everyone was ordering take away pizzas. I did toy with the idea of eating an omlette before i went out however i knew when everyone's food arrived i'd feel awful so i decided to just order some chicken strips from Dominos. Now i know that the breadcrumbs on there will not have been good however i had no crisps, dips or a drop of alcohol so i thought i did pretty well!

I do have to confess though, i did have a bite size rocky road chocolate from M&S, i just couldn't help it!

I'd give today 7/10........i wonder what the scales will say tomorrow!


Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 19 - Cruise

Day 19 - Cruise PP

As you may have gathered I am fed up today! I couldn't stomach having my oatbran porridge today so I have been really naughty and not had my oatbran.....i know i know, i have to keep going, i think I am just getting bored of the repetitiveness which i know is my choice as i do it for ease! Oh well, i guess everyone has days like this! Tomorrow I may try to have bread with extra light philli and some salmon just to change it up a bit from my tuna sandwich!

When i weighed myself this morning i was dead on 8st 3lbs so i have exactly 1lb to lose and have 1 week until i am due to start my consolidation phase......wish me luck!

Did anyone watch Watchdog tonight on BBC 1? I must say that i signed up to the website for 3 months at £11 a month so I am not too sure where this £1 a day comes from! Also I have found the site really useful and for me it is the motivation i need to get into the swing of weighing myself everyday, keeping a check on my motivation and getting tips etc!

For dinner i had Chicken and Mushrooms which at the moment I am not bored of! Lol! Ahh well, i just have to see how baggy some of my clothes are to know it is all worth it!

I give today a 4/10!



Oh my goodness! I have just had notification that I have now had 1000 views on my blog since i started it 20 days ago!

I never for one moment thought it would even have 100 views as it's just silly old boring me writing about what I eat! I never thought anyone would be in the slightest bit interested in that!

Knowing each day people look to see what I am doing really helps to keep my motivation up as i don't want to let you all down. I hope I have helped you even a tiny bit to see that you are not the only one finding it hard, daunting and of course rewarding!

Thanks so so much once again

Lauren x