Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 19 - Cruise

Day 19 - Cruise PP

As you may have gathered I am fed up today! I couldn't stomach having my oatbran porridge today so I have been really naughty and not had my oatbran.....i know i know, i have to keep going, i think I am just getting bored of the repetitiveness which i know is my choice as i do it for ease! Oh well, i guess everyone has days like this! Tomorrow I may try to have bread with extra light philli and some salmon just to change it up a bit from my tuna sandwich!

When i weighed myself this morning i was dead on 8st 3lbs so i have exactly 1lb to lose and have 1 week until i am due to start my consolidation phase......wish me luck!

Did anyone watch Watchdog tonight on BBC 1? I must say that i signed up to the website for 3 months at £11 a month so I am not too sure where this £1 a day comes from! Also I have found the site really useful and for me it is the motivation i need to get into the swing of weighing myself everyday, keeping a check on my motivation and getting tips etc!

For dinner i had Chicken and Mushrooms which at the moment I am not bored of! Lol! Ahh well, i just have to see how baggy some of my clothes are to know it is all worth it!

I give today a 4/10!


1 comment:

  1. Hey there - I'm a bit fed up today too. I can't get so many ingredients like low fat fromage frais or quark, so can't make the bread and just haven't had time to research and explore. The oatbran is good - as you know it's new for me, but I think I am retaining water with it, I have a pot tummy which had all but disappeared and I haven't lost anything today - in fact I am 200gms up :( :( :( To make matters worse, I worked late last night, I did eat but had veges with protien on a PP day and I was running late this morning, not organised and nearly fainted. So I had to eat a banana as that is all there was :(
    As you will know, I can't watch the BBC - were they criticising Dukan? I love the website, I think I paid about $100 NZD for my programme - 3 months, and I find it excellent value. Some of the stuff is silly, for sure that they say - but it's a laugh really and I agree, the daily weigh ins and having to report lapses really helps me keep going. I said that I was missing fruit (craving it would be truer) and he has given me a fruit evening 800gms - just not bananas!! or grapes, figs etc.
    OK, thank you again for your blog, this is really helping me - I'm bored of the food too but I actually don't mind. At least I don't have to think too hard on what to have for dinner:) It's great to be able to share experiences. Keep going Diva - ONE WEEK TO GO!!!! I have 21 days til consolidation!
