Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Well to be honest the scales were kind to me this morning! I put on 1lb so i am 8st 2lb which is my target weight so I am fine with that!

When i got into work i was called into a meeting straight away so didn't have a chance to have my porridge, again!

For lunch i had Salmon with bread but seeing as i ran out of yeast to break my own bread last night I actually had two slices of wholemeal Hovis bread. You are allowed 2 slices a day on the consolidation period however i am making my own bread tonight as, like i mentioned on my previous blog, i am going to stick to the cruise diet as much as possible this week. I had to have it without any Philli too as I forgot to bring it into work! It was ok though!

I had Chicken & Mushrooms for dinner which i must admit i do really enjoy! I then had my porridge at about 10pm as I am conscious to get my daily oatbran in!

I'd give today 7/10!


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