Monday 5 September 2011

Day 20 - Cruise

Day 20 - Cruise

As you can tell i was really fed up yesterday.....i guess everyone has days like that but it honestly was a shocking day!

For breakfast  had my normal porridge although i must admit, i didn't finish it all, just felt so full. I also honestly could not stomach the idea of tuna for lunch so i decided to have Salmon with a bit of extra light Philadelphia on bread and it was actually really nice!

We got an invite to our friends house warming in the evening and everyone was ordering take away pizzas. I did toy with the idea of eating an omlette before i went out however i knew when everyone's food arrived i'd feel awful so i decided to just order some chicken strips from Dominos. Now i know that the breadcrumbs on there will not have been good however i had no crisps, dips or a drop of alcohol so i thought i did pretty well!

I do have to confess though, i did have a bite size rocky road chocolate from M&S, i just couldn't help it!

I'd give today 7/10........i wonder what the scales will say tomorrow!


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