Monday 5 September 2011

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

After getting over the shock of reaching the consolidation period a week early i was even more taken aback to find that, when i got on the scales, i was 1lb lighter therefore meaning I was now at 8st 1lb and my target weight was 8st 2lb!

My Mum rang us and asked if we wanted to go to a charity football and curry afternoon so we decided to go. When you reach consolidation phase you can have a celebratory meal so i decided the curry would be it! I had chicken curry, a very small portion of rice and and onion bargie. I didn't eat it all though as there was a small piece of chocolate brownie with my name all over it!

I then did something really naughty......there was an ice cream van selling ice creams (funny that) with all the proceeds going to charity so i couldn't resist having a mint Cornetto. I know i know i had already had dessert but i was 1lb under my target weight so i did let my hair down a little.

When I came home I had a ham omlette for dinner so i was good then! I guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow long as i am at my target weight I'll  be happy!

Although I am in the consolidation phase I have decided that I am going to try and stick to the cruise diet as much as possible. I had in my head I would be doing it until Friday anyway and to be honest if i could get down to 8st then it means even if i put 1lb or 2 on after a big meal etc then I will still be at my target weight.

I'd give this day 9/10!


1 comment:

  1. Well done, a fantastic achievement. Only just started cruise, curry still a fair way off for me!
