Tuesday 19 June 2012

Back on the wagon!

8st 3lbs

Well today has been pretty tough to be honest. I have got so used to eating what I want when I want that going back to the attack phase is pretty depressing! The only good thing is that having been through it before I know it does work!

So for lunch I brought some plain chargrilled chicken from M&S and quest for 24 minutes for the privilege.....that's what having a lunch break in London is all about!

I ate my chicken when I got back to work, it had that horrible smell that only cooked chicken that has been sealed has! Anyway I made myself eat it all! After that I had a can of diet coke, hoping it would take the taste away, it did.....a bit!

I then started feeling a little peckish and remembered that I had my yogurt in the fridge which I had not yet eaten with the oatbran. Now if anyone here can tell me that they genuinely enjoy oatbran and yogurt when it goes all clumpy then I'll be damned!

We had a team meeting called late afternoon and can you believe it, free crisps, snacks AND cupcakes. I sat there very VERY tempted but remained loyal to the diet coke in my hand and left the meeting feeling very pleased with my will power!

When I got home I popped to the shops to stock up on some Dukan bits which I had run out of/gone out of date.

I decided that for dinner u would have mini chicken fillets with a tiny bit of Nandos sauce done on the George Forman. Now I know that is not strictly in the attack phase however I always used it in my PP days and it was fine!

I also decided to make some Dukan bread so I can have sandwiches for the next three days. I have made it loads of times so went about doing the same although I remember thinking when I put it in the oven...it's quite runny! Anyway half way into cooking I remembered I forgot the wheatbran, which I think you'll agree is quite an important ingredient when making bread! So I have some form of bread ready to take to work tomorrow....I will let you know what it's like!

I would give today a 4/10.

Back to the Dukan!

It is almost coming up to a year since I started the Dukan Diet and I can whole heartedly say it was the best thing I have ever done HOWEVER I have not been very good at sticking to it! I would say that I stopped eating Oatbran on a regular basis back in October last year and my pure protein days have not always occurred!

I have pretty much been eating what I like whenever I like so I guess you are expecting me to say that I have put on a stone or something but actually that is not the case.

My target weight was 8st 2lbs. When I started the diet I was 8st 12lbs. I got down to 7st 12lbs and I would say that I maintained this weight until about 2 months ago. I then seemed to always be about 8st however today I almost died when I went on the scales and was 8st 3lbs!! Now I know this may not sound a lot but it is a huge jump to me and I’ll be dammed if I let that continue…after all I have just sold a load of my old clothes on ebay and I cannot afford to replace my new ones!

I know that the last few weeks have been particularly bad, what with all the jubilee celebrations etc and we have had a few birthdays but I am 100% not going to let my weight slide again!

So on my way to work I stopped and brought a low fat yogurt which I had with some oat bran and I intend to start eating this again everyday as this really is the thing that keeps your metabolism going.

Tonight I am going to go and stock up on all things Dukan too. My plan is to do two days attack to kick start my body and then, from there see how I go.  I found that I really enjoyed my tuna sandwiches so I am certainly going to be having them all week. I think that is why I have put on the weight, I now work in London and there are always so many yummy places to eat!

Anyway please wish me luck and I would love to hear how you are all getting on!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Today I had a family funeral so I must admit I didn't feel that hungry in the morning so once again I didn't have my porridge, bad i know!

I had half a day off for the funeral so had to be back by work for 2pm. As we were rushing around in the morning i forgot to bring anything with me for lunch so i stopped at the local Italian delicatessen and had a baguette with breaded chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and mayo. I must say i did munch on a handful of the crisps they gave me too.........

As i felt i had indulged at lunch I had a ham omlette for dinner and then had my chocolate porridge before i went to bed to make sure i still had my oatbran!

I will be really interested to see what the scales say about me having a baguette for lunch!

I'd give this day a 6/10


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Well to be honest the scales were kind to me this morning! I put on 1lb so i am 8st 2lb which is my target weight so I am fine with that!

When i got into work i was called into a meeting straight away so didn't have a chance to have my porridge, again!

For lunch i had Salmon with bread but seeing as i ran out of yeast to break my own bread last night I actually had two slices of wholemeal Hovis bread. You are allowed 2 slices a day on the consolidation period however i am making my own bread tonight as, like i mentioned on my previous blog, i am going to stick to the cruise diet as much as possible this week. I had to have it without any Philli too as I forgot to bring it into work! It was ok though!

I had Chicken & Mushrooms for dinner which i must admit i do really enjoy! I then had my porridge at about 10pm as I am conscious to get my daily oatbran in!

I'd give today 7/10!


Monday 5 September 2011

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

After getting over the shock of reaching the consolidation period a week early i was even more taken aback to find that, when i got on the scales, i was 1lb lighter therefore meaning I was now at 8st 1lb and my target weight was 8st 2lb!

My Mum rang us and asked if we wanted to go to a charity football and curry afternoon so we decided to go. When you reach consolidation phase you can have a celebratory meal so i decided the curry would be it! I had chicken curry, a very small portion of rice and and onion bargie. I didn't eat it all though as there was a small piece of chocolate brownie with my name all over it!

I then did something really naughty......there was an ice cream van selling ice creams (funny that) with all the proceeds going to charity so i couldn't resist having a mint Cornetto. I know i know i had already had dessert but i was 1lb under my target weight so i did let my hair down a little.

When I came home I had a ham omlette for dinner so i was good then! I guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow morning.....as long as i am at my target weight I'll  be happy!

Although I am in the consolidation phase I have decided that I am going to try and stick to the cruise diet as much as possible. I had in my head I would be doing it until Friday anyway and to be honest if i could get down to 8st then it means even if i put 1lb or 2 on after a big meal etc then I will still be at my target weight.

I'd give this day 9/10!


Day 21 - Cruise

Day 21 - Cruise PV

I got on the scales today and not only had i not put on weight but i had reached my target weight!!! 1 whole week early! I was so excited and couldn't wait to update my daily report!

For my lunch I had Salmon and bread like yesterday as i enjoyed it so much we then went off to Westfield. I realised when we got to Westfield that I was so excited about reaching my target weight that i had forgotten to have my poriddge! Westfield was a nightmare as on every corner there were cupcakes and crepes and they are my two favourite things in the whole world!

On our way back we decided to go and see The Inbetweeners at the cinema. It is bloody typical, we haven't been to the cinema in ages and we have now been twice in the last 3 weeks so have had to resist the little yellow packets of M&M's crying out to me!

Before I went out I had my Nandos sckwers which filled me up and i also took a snack size bottle of Diet Coke.

I shouldn't have worried about the M&M's to be fair as the film was so funny i didn't even have time to think about it!

I'd give this day a 9/10!


Day 20 - Cruise

Day 20 - Cruise

As you can tell i was really fed up yesterday.....i guess everyone has days like that but it honestly was a shocking day!

For breakfast  had my normal porridge although i must admit, i didn't finish it all, just felt so full. I also honestly could not stomach the idea of tuna for lunch so i decided to have Salmon with a bit of extra light Philadelphia on bread and it was actually really nice!

We got an invite to our friends house warming in the evening and everyone was ordering take away pizzas. I did toy with the idea of eating an omlette before i went out however i knew when everyone's food arrived i'd feel awful so i decided to just order some chicken strips from Dominos. Now i know that the breadcrumbs on there will not have been good however i had no crisps, dips or a drop of alcohol so i thought i did pretty well!

I do have to confess though, i did have a bite size rocky road chocolate from M&S, i just couldn't help it!

I'd give today 7/10........i wonder what the scales will say tomorrow!
