Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 12 - Cruise

Day 12 - Cruise PP

Oh dear......it has happened! I got on the scales this morning and i had put just under 1lb on. I was literally devestated. I know i had a PV day yesterday so i didn't expect to lose any weight however i didn't expect to put some on either! The only thing i can think of is that i did have a very large portion of Chicken and Mushrooms so maybe it's that.....i guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow after my PP day!

I made my normal porridge today however i forgot to put sweetner in it today and it actually doesn' taste much different so what i would say is avoid putting it in as you can then use some of the allowance in other recipes!

I had my tuna mayo sandwich again today which is always lovely! I also decided to make some more Chocolate Panna Cotta's when i got home and actually put my sweetener allowence in that so i shall see how they turn out and let you know tomorrow! As the recipe only needed egg yolks i decided that i would make an egg white omelette so the whites don't go to waste. BIG MISTAKE! It had no flavour whatsoever and was almost rubbery! Such a let down when all i had to look forward to tonight was my omelette! Oh well never mind!

Seeing as i GAINED weight today and had a rubbery egg white omelette i give today....



1 comment:

  1. I put a few grams on over the weekend - I put it down to my lapse, with a small glass of wine - but I actually think that I didn't drink enough water. I was so busy with a conference that I had organised. I was literally running all day, both days. Yesterday, i was so tired, I spent the day in bed as I was aching all over. I feel much better today, but quite dizzy again. I have to watch this as I saw a gluten free biscuit from the weekend lurking in the fridge and temptation was there. but NO, i was strong. I threw it in the bin. I got by the weekend without being tempted by any of the goodies - even the delicious fruit platters. I am still losing steadily. I was 63kgs this morning, Down from my original 65.7kgs.
    1 kg = 2.5 lbs. My clothes are all loose. I had a new dress that I bought for this conference, for the opening night, since I was going to be standing in front of them all. It cost a fortune - and you know - it was almost too BIG! Your pound will drop off - Mother Nature also visited in the weekend too - and i gained, as soon as that settled, I had lost all that and more. Fluid retention, bah!
