Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 13 - Cruise

Day 13 - Cruise PV

Well today it arrived and if you are wondering what i am talking about all i can say is that i should be rollerskating around with a dog on a lead singing 'oh Bodyform, Bodyform for you!' I had read that the diet can affect that but at least now i have a reason as to why i had put on 1lb yesterday!

For breakfast and lunch i had my usual however i could not wait for my chicken and mushroom as i really do love that dish!

At lunch time i went to get a new top to go with my skin tight leggings that i brought yesterday. It really was such a good feeling walking around the shops seeing things that i have avoided even trying on in so long as i knew they wouldn't fit and would leave me feeling really bad about myself.

My chicken and mushroom was as yummy as usual and i had loads of green beans with it, it's amazing how much you appreciate something when you can't normally have it!

I am dreading tomorrow however as we are going out for my friends 30th Birthday and I have decided to drive so i don't drink as we have a wedding on Sunday and i know that I'm going to have to write that day off for food and drink!!

I'd give this day an 8/10!


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