Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 7 - Cruise PV

Day 7 - Cruise PV

Well i was praying for a slight change on the scales but alas it was to no avail! I am still at my 8st 5lbs mark but hey ho my scales always used to read 8st 12lbs so still an improvement!

So guess what i had for breakfast.........chocolate oatbran! It really is delicious though! For lunch i also had my usual tuna mayo sandwich. I know you are probably thinking this is really boring but it works for me as i like it, i can make the bread ahead of time for the week, make the may then just mix in tuna everyday so it takes away the 'oh god what can i have for lunch' which only results in wondering around Sainsburys and feeling depressed of all the chocolate, bread, pasta i can't have!

After yesterdays disaster with the chocolate cake i decided to try something else chocolately to make and i found the recipe for Chocolate Pana Cotta. It was really easy to make. I divided the mixture into 2 ramekins and put them in the fridge to set!

My chocolate panna cotta after it set!

After i had made my dessert for later, you can read how it tasted further on, it was time to make my dinner. As i was on a PV day i was determined to make the most of my vegtables. I found a recipe for Chicken & Mushrooms on Again this was really easy to make and with not many ingredients. The only thing i did wrong was add a little too much water so it was a bit runnier then it could have been however it tasted amazing and i had it with some steamed tendersteams. Oh and in case you were wondering i had a second helping of chicken and mushrooms as well as tender-steams then what is show in the photo below :)

My yummy Chicken & Mushrooms!
After I had my chicken and mushrooms it was time to try my chocolate panna cotta and it didn't disappoint however it wasn't that chocolatey but the recipe says to use chocolate flavouring i think where as i used cocoa powder so maybe that is why! It was still really nice though and the recipe gave me enough to make two ramekins worth so i have one for tomorrow too!

This was a much better day today and although i haven't lost any weight i haven't put any on and i had yummy food today!

8/10 today!


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