Monday 22 August 2011

Day 8 - Cruise

Day 8 - Cruise PP

So i have now been on the Dukan Diet 1 week and celebrated by starting my day the normal way with the chocolate oat bran porridge.......mmmmm it is yummy! I didn't snack on anything between breakfast and lunch however i did hit a problem. McDonalds is right across the road and when i went outside all i could smell is the delicious cheeseburgers. I can honestly say i wanted to go in and buy 10 of them and to make it worse i was standing there thinking 10 days ago there would have been nothing stopping me from going in there and ordering a cheeseburger and fries! Just writing about it now makes me feel hungry! Oh well i plodded back to the office and had my tuna sandwich!

The next problem I had was that Dave and I decided to go and see Harry Potter that evening. You may be wondering why this is a problem, after all it's nice to go the cinema is it not?? NO is the answer to that when you can't watch the film with a bag of peanut M&M's in your lap! The thought of passing all the sweets, ice cream and popcorn was literally like torture.

I decided to try and fill myself up before i went so hopefully i wouldn't feel like eating anything anyway! As we were in a rush to get the cinema i put 2 chicken breasts on the George Foreman grill and brushed a light coating of Nandos sauce on them. I have to admit that after the 2 chicken breasts i was full up however i thought to be on the safe side i would take 2 small slices of my Dukan Bread!

The film was great, make sure you see it if you haven't, but it really was hard not having and sweets or popcorn!

I'd say this day was about 5/10 as i did feel a lot of frustration however i did get through it! Yay!


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