Tuesday 16 August 2011

Day 5 - Cruise PV

Day 5 - Cruise PV

Well as you know from my last blog i was very worried when i went to bed yesterday about what my weight would be doing today however i shouldn't have worried! I hadn't lost weight but i hadn't put any on and i am due my little pain in the arse.....i mean gift from Mother Nature in the next day or 2 so i'm guessing my weight may go up with that!

You'll be pleased to know that i managed to make my porridge correctly today and it was yummy! I didn't have any snacks between breakfast and lunch but to be honest i didn't feel hungry. At lunch i had my usual tuna dukan mayo and dukan bread which i am loving more each day! The mayo is really yummy and who knew that Dijon Mustard would complement tuna so well!

I made sure i drank my 1 1/2 litre of water at work so i could have some diet coke when i came home! I am also driving everyone in the office nuts as i am telling them to try the diet!

When i got home i decided to try the Quick n'easy Chocolate Drop Cookies again after yesterdays disaster. I decided to put all the ingredients in one bowl however when i put it in the tray it all just ran together as it was too runny and it was totally tasteless.....honestly, i don't know if it is me, i am unable to cook but if anyone has tried to make these please please tell me how to do it!

I decided for my tea tonight to make chicken skewers with mushroom, peppers and onion......may as well make use of my vegetable day! Like last time that i made chicken i marinaded the chicken in a little Nandos Medium Peri Peri sauce just to give it a kick and i added some garlic granules too.

My Nandos Chicken Skewers!

I cut up half a pepper that i had left from the other day although i like pepper so in hindsight i wish i had of had a whole one! 1 onion and 6 mushrooms. I then threaded all the veg and Nandos chicken alternatively onto the skewers. I put them in my George Foreman for 8 minutes and the smell was AMAZING! Even my 'normal' eating boyfriend was jealous! As you can see from the photo all the fat ran out to the bottom and left the most delicious tasting skewers! They were so yummy i can hardly begin to describe and that tiny bit of Nando's sauce gave them that little kick!

I'd say it has been a good day on the diet today and i have enjoyed all my meals especially the chicken skewers just incase you hadn't noticed!

8/10 today!


1 comment:

  1. Well my first comment got swallowed up - hey ho!! Well done Dukan Diva. Awesome progress. Those chicken skewers look delicious. I am going to buy some of that Nandos PeriPeri Sauce, I've used it before and it's great - even better if it complies with these 'rules' :)
    I was quite short tempered yesterday evening - and again a bit earlier today. I notice it's happening when I'm hungry. Danger time for me is that after work/before dinner time - and this is where the weight has crept on for me. A glass of wine and some crackers and cheese or whatever I can rustle up - next thing I'm on the second glass. I did the South Beach Diet about 4 years ago - another good diet and it was very successful, but stupidly, I have let the weight creep back on by just - one treat and then next meal another one. One thing that diet did for me was cure my cravings for carbs. I just don't crave sweet things any more and it's helping this time. I've decided to try Dukan this time because I like the consolidation period and the absolute guidelines for not letting the weight creep back on. (SBD - is not quite as restrictive as this one either - but there a lot of similarities and I noted Dr Dukan's review of it was quite favourable.
    I am on Day one of my cruise phase today. I am so happy a) to get a vege fix and b) I lost another 500g - or 1lb yesterday. In all a total of 1.6 kgs = 3.5 lbs. The goal they set me was 1.08kgs or 2.3 lbs. Woo hoo. Certainly makes it easy to keep going.
    I have coeliac disease - intolerance to gluten and oatbran is on my not allowed foods - well I have some tolerance to oats but boy they still make me bloat up and retain water! I've emailed the dukan team but haven't heard back yet. I know they are an important part of the diet - esp for fibre, I'd imagine, so I'm not sure what to do. In the meantime, one deviation I have been doing, which is allowed on the south Beach - is having a protein shake in the morning. 2 scoops of powder plus a good dollop of yoghurt and water. Keeps me going until very late morning. Not that I'm encouraging you to deviate, but this weekend I have a conference that I've organised, on and am going to be so busy, so I am going to be as prepared as I can be but will keep make an extra shake in the morning, so if I get that I can't grab any of my food, I can quickly drink the shake. I would love to try the dukan bread, but suspect that I would really bloat with it. In fact one of my reasons for wanting to get back to my old weight, is that if I eat anything with glutem, I can easily gain 2kg - 5 lbs. So if I am at my old weight and that happens, then it's not such a disaster, but when that happens at my current weight, I look like ...I don't know what. Grotesque anyway :) My day yesterday would be 8/10 as well - 10/10 on weight loss but 8/10 on the monotony of protein only. Today is much better with veg. For lunch I made some fat free roast beef open sandwiches - the beef was the 'bread' and I had cottage cheese with yummy salady bits on top. this isn't so hard!! Just requires a new way of thinking. Hope you have a great day today. :)
