Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 3 - Cruise Phase

Today i started my cruise phase. I was so excited at the prospect of eating vegetables (even though ordinarily i am not a fan) that i actually stayed up until midnight so i could get my instructions for the day!

I went on the scales, again a little tentatively, and to my horror it said i weighed 8st 11lbs meaning i had put on 4lbs! I thought this couldn't be right so moved the scales somewhere else, maybe the floor wasn't even! Sure enough i was right and after triple checking in different locations i was thrilled to see that i was 8st 6lbs! 

As i am in the cruise phase i thought i would make good use of the cocoa powder i am allowed. First of all i tasted the Tahitian flan thing i made last night but screwed tasted vile so i got rid of that quickly. Then the bread caught my eye, the bread that had smelt delicious the night before so i cut a slice off and it is delicious! I am not just saying that it really is nice!

I decided to cut it up into slices and i wrapped 3 each in foil meaning it will stay fresh and i can take it to work for sandwiches!

My bread from yesterday looking more...well bread like!

Now back to the cocoa powder allowance, i @dukanchef told me of a great Chocolate Oatbran Porridge recipe on his website so i decided to make that for my breakfast. It was really easy to make even while i was on the phone to my Mum telling her how much weight i had lost and how her and Dad should really try it!

I was weary of trying porridge as from a child i had always had a 'thing' about it, maybe it was because of the wolf link! Anyway after my first mouthful of this i was sold and will certainly be having it for breakfast tomorrow!

My Chocolate Oatbran Porridge...yummy!

After I had my porridge i decided that i was going to make tuna with Dukan Mayonnaise and have it for my lunch so when my boyfriend arrived home with the car i made him come 'Dukan' food shopping with me! I got all the bits and bobs i needed and then we came to the end of an isle where something was on sale......that something was a Lean Mean Fat Free grilling machine by George Forman. It was a steal, down from £49.97 to £24.99. I decided this would be a brilliant way of cooking lovely juicy meat without oil. It also takes away any excess fat! As well as health wise it makes life so much easier for Dave and I. We live in a 2 bed modern apartment which is lovely however the drawback is our lounge & Kitchen/Diner are all in one big room and our kitchen is just along one wall so next to no room to prepare food and only with a small dishwasher so the prospect of cooking 2 separate meals from scratch was not appealing to either of us! With my George Forman i have plugged it in next to the kettle and tonight i will cook everything on that while Dave gets to cook his dinner on the hob!

My George Foreman!
In Tescos i also brought some of their value containers so i can make food the night before to take to work and to also keep my Dukan Mayonnaise and Dukan Vinaigrette.

When i got home and argued with Dave as to who was going to open the box as it looked so excited, i changed my attention to lunch! I decided to make myself some Dukan Herb Mayonnaise to go with my tuna. I cannot seem to find the recipe on line however it can be found on page 168 of The Dukan Diet book. It was so easy to make.

My Dukan Herb Mayonnaise
If we're honest it didn't taste a bloody thing like mayonnaise however i actually really liked it and with the tuna it went really well! I had my three slices which i cut in half which basically made up 3/4 of a normal size sandwich however the bread is heavier then normal bread so for me this was just right. The sandwiches were yummy and most of all they have taken a massive weight off my shoulders in regards to what to eat for lunch at work!

Now as most of you may all be finding one of the drawbacks to this diet is that fact that when the body burns fat it doesn't smell good and that smell comes out of our mouth. I can taste a not too pleasant taste in my mouth but i can't smell it however my boyfriend can! I had a look for some ideas and on the forum it said to drink Peppermint tea so i have had one of those and it certainly did help although i think i shall just go and by Wrigley's Extra in bulk tomorrow!

It was time to cook my dinner and use the George Foreman for the first time, it really is so simple! You just wipe the tinniest bit of oil on and i mean 1/4 of a teaspoon over the grill with paper towel. The grill comes with a recipe book and a guideline of how long things should take. For chicken they recommend 7-8 minutes and for vegetables 2 minutes. I put the chicken on the grill however i looked at our Nandos Peri Peri sauce that i love and there is not sugar in there at all just a bit of sunflower oil so i literally wiped less then a teaspoon over the chicken to give it a bit of a kick. I put it on the grill and that was it, i did nothing else at all!

My dinner on the grill....can you see the fat that comes out!
I was amazed by how much fat came out of the chicken and it all tasted lovely! I would def recommend this as a way of cooking at getting through the diet with the least fuss!

I'd say this has been another positive day and feel a lot more prepared for this week. I'll make some more tuna dukan mayo to take to work with me for lunch and i shall be having my chocolate porridge in the morning for sure!

I'd give this day an 8/10!


1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! veges!! I have to say I'm a vege lover so they're never a problem. Great idea, on The lean, mean grilling machine. I've got George shoved in the back of a cupboard somewhere, so I'm going to get him out later and give him a whirl.
    I am doing the coached programme - it's really very reasonable and I am finding it very motivating. The other good thing that came of my weekend lapse and then of commenting to you that I didn't have much to lose, was that I actually did the conversion to pounds/stone - and 5/6kgs is about 12 pounds - nearly a stone, so more than I thought. Hmm a danger in kgs - it doesn't sound as much and it creeps on.
    I did a zumba session yesterday which was great. My biggest challenge today will be that we are having a bad snow storm and cant get out to stores, but I'm sure I have enough of everything to make do for today and tomorrow. Have a great day today - well tomorrow, I guess it's night time in the UK.
