Saturday 13 August 2011

Day 2 - Attack

Today is my second day of the attack phase. I woke up this morning and tentatively got on the scales...i couldn't believe my eyes! I had lost 2lbs and was lighter then i had been for over a year! I was down to 8st 7lbs and my target weight is 8st 2lbs.

However this good news did come with a slight price! Firstly i had a very disturbed nights sleep as i was up and down to the loo a fair few times. Also when i got up this morning i felt very light headed and if i'm honest my eyes wouldn't focus properly when i was reading the scales. This feeling lasted all morning and most of the day!

Once i had got over the shock of losing 2lbs in 24 hours and annoying my boyfriend to death i tucked into my fat free vanilla yogurt and 1 1/2 tbl spoon of oatbran. I had read on the forum that a bit of sweetener works wonders and it certainly does! It tasted so much better and i am actually looking forward to eating it tomorrow!

I decided to go and get some ingredients from the shops to make some bits and bobs that i had seen a recipe for however it was not the best idea! Seeing as i am waiting for my new car and my boyfriend had the car for the day i caught the train to town however the problem was that as soon as i got there i felt very faint almost as if i wasn't in my own body and trying to find something to eat in a shop was virtually impossible so i struggled on. I picked up my ingredients and just prayed i'd make it too the train, i really wish i'd of had my car so i could have gone earlier but never mind!

When i got home i made myself an ham omlette. I then attempted to make a 1 minute Cocoa Tahitian Flan which i don't think has gone too well but i can't try it until tomorrow as i cannot have the cocoa powder until my cruise phase! I had a problem melting the cream cheese and then i burt the milk to the pan.......grr!

The next thing i decided to try was the Duken bread as i thought this would be great for work lunches with some tuna and Dukan mayonaise! I found this Dukan Bread recipe which seemed to look the most like bread! It was easy enough to make although i didn't put enough yeast in it so it could have risen a bit more! I am confident though that they will make nice little bitsizes with some tuna!

My Dukan Bread!

After i made the bread which smelt delicious but i can't eat until tomorrow i turned to the Creamy Garlic Chicken Strips. I love garlic and chicken so this seemed right up my street. I must say that it was really easy and quick to make. I think the only thing i would say is that i think there is too much garlic in it and for me to say that is quite something! However this is something you can alter according to your taste!

My creamy Garlic Chicken Strips

It might be a bit hard to see from the photo but that is what it looked like!

All in all i would say it was a good day although anyone who says this diet doesn't need planning is lying! You constantly have to think ahead of what you can eat!

I'm now about to settle down with my last glass of water for the day, a raspberry sugar free jelly and the notebook dvd.

I'd give this day 7/10


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