Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 17 - Cruise

Day 17 - Cruise PV

Well I was really pleased to see that I had lost the 1lb i put on yesterday when i went on the scales this morning! I guess the horrid dinner was worth it!

I had my porridge this morning and have no converted one of the girls in the office into having it in the morning too! Just before lunch though i had a sick feeling come over me....i don't think it was anything to do with the diet however it did mean that I didn't have any lunch as i was worried i couldn't stomach it.

When it got to about 3.30pm I thought i best eat something as starving yourself is not a way to lose weight! I had 3 slices of bread but no tuna as i didn't feel quite up to it. Again one of the girls decided to try the Dukan bread and she loved it! See it really isn't that bad!

When i got home i marinated some chicken pieces in a tiny bit of Nandos sauce as i made chicken skewers for dinner tonight. It was lovely and tasty especially after last nights disaster! I also had one of my panna cottas that i made yesterday however they were a bit lumpy this time......i must have been having an off day yesterday when it came to cooking!

I'd give this day an 7/10 as although i lost 1lb i didn't if that makes sense?! Lol!


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