Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 24 - Cruise/Consolidation

Today I had a family funeral so I must admit I didn't feel that hungry in the morning so once again I didn't have my porridge, bad i know!

I had half a day off for the funeral so had to be back by work for 2pm. As we were rushing around in the morning i forgot to bring anything with me for lunch so i stopped at the local Italian delicatessen and had a baguette with breaded chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and mayo. I must say i did munch on a handful of the crisps they gave me too.........

As i felt i had indulged at lunch I had a ham omlette for dinner and then had my chocolate porridge before i went to bed to make sure i still had my oatbran!

I will be really interested to see what the scales say about me having a baguette for lunch!

I'd give this day a 6/10


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 23 - Cruise/Consolidation

Well to be honest the scales were kind to me this morning! I put on 1lb so i am 8st 2lb which is my target weight so I am fine with that!

When i got into work i was called into a meeting straight away so didn't have a chance to have my porridge, again!

For lunch i had Salmon with bread but seeing as i ran out of yeast to break my own bread last night I actually had two slices of wholemeal Hovis bread. You are allowed 2 slices a day on the consolidation period however i am making my own bread tonight as, like i mentioned on my previous blog, i am going to stick to the cruise diet as much as possible this week. I had to have it without any Philli too as I forgot to bring it into work! It was ok though!

I had Chicken & Mushrooms for dinner which i must admit i do really enjoy! I then had my porridge at about 10pm as I am conscious to get my daily oatbran in!

I'd give today 7/10!


Monday 5 September 2011

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

Day 22 - Cruise/Consolidation

After getting over the shock of reaching the consolidation period a week early i was even more taken aback to find that, when i got on the scales, i was 1lb lighter therefore meaning I was now at 8st 1lb and my target weight was 8st 2lb!

My Mum rang us and asked if we wanted to go to a charity football and curry afternoon so we decided to go. When you reach consolidation phase you can have a celebratory meal so i decided the curry would be it! I had chicken curry, a very small portion of rice and and onion bargie. I didn't eat it all though as there was a small piece of chocolate brownie with my name all over it!

I then did something really naughty......there was an ice cream van selling ice creams (funny that) with all the proceeds going to charity so i couldn't resist having a mint Cornetto. I know i know i had already had dessert but i was 1lb under my target weight so i did let my hair down a little.

When I came home I had a ham omlette for dinner so i was good then! I guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow long as i am at my target weight I'll  be happy!

Although I am in the consolidation phase I have decided that I am going to try and stick to the cruise diet as much as possible. I had in my head I would be doing it until Friday anyway and to be honest if i could get down to 8st then it means even if i put 1lb or 2 on after a big meal etc then I will still be at my target weight.

I'd give this day 9/10!


Day 21 - Cruise

Day 21 - Cruise PV

I got on the scales today and not only had i not put on weight but i had reached my target weight!!! 1 whole week early! I was so excited and couldn't wait to update my daily report!

For my lunch I had Salmon and bread like yesterday as i enjoyed it so much we then went off to Westfield. I realised when we got to Westfield that I was so excited about reaching my target weight that i had forgotten to have my poriddge! Westfield was a nightmare as on every corner there were cupcakes and crepes and they are my two favourite things in the whole world!

On our way back we decided to go and see The Inbetweeners at the cinema. It is bloody typical, we haven't been to the cinema in ages and we have now been twice in the last 3 weeks so have had to resist the little yellow packets of M&M's crying out to me!

Before I went out I had my Nandos sckwers which filled me up and i also took a snack size bottle of Diet Coke.

I shouldn't have worried about the M&M's to be fair as the film was so funny i didn't even have time to think about it!

I'd give this day a 9/10!


Day 20 - Cruise

Day 20 - Cruise

As you can tell i was really fed up yesterday.....i guess everyone has days like that but it honestly was a shocking day!

For breakfast  had my normal porridge although i must admit, i didn't finish it all, just felt so full. I also honestly could not stomach the idea of tuna for lunch so i decided to have Salmon with a bit of extra light Philadelphia on bread and it was actually really nice!

We got an invite to our friends house warming in the evening and everyone was ordering take away pizzas. I did toy with the idea of eating an omlette before i went out however i knew when everyone's food arrived i'd feel awful so i decided to just order some chicken strips from Dominos. Now i know that the breadcrumbs on there will not have been good however i had no crisps, dips or a drop of alcohol so i thought i did pretty well!

I do have to confess though, i did have a bite size rocky road chocolate from M&S, i just couldn't help it!

I'd give today 7/10........i wonder what the scales will say tomorrow!


Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 19 - Cruise

Day 19 - Cruise PP

As you may have gathered I am fed up today! I couldn't stomach having my oatbran porridge today so I have been really naughty and not had my oatbran.....i know i know, i have to keep going, i think I am just getting bored of the repetitiveness which i know is my choice as i do it for ease! Oh well, i guess everyone has days like this! Tomorrow I may try to have bread with extra light philli and some salmon just to change it up a bit from my tuna sandwich!

When i weighed myself this morning i was dead on 8st 3lbs so i have exactly 1lb to lose and have 1 week until i am due to start my consolidation phase......wish me luck!

Did anyone watch Watchdog tonight on BBC 1? I must say that i signed up to the website for 3 months at £11 a month so I am not too sure where this £1 a day comes from! Also I have found the site really useful and for me it is the motivation i need to get into the swing of weighing myself everyday, keeping a check on my motivation and getting tips etc!

For dinner i had Chicken and Mushrooms which at the moment I am not bored of! Lol! Ahh well, i just have to see how baggy some of my clothes are to know it is all worth it!

I give today a 4/10!



Oh my goodness! I have just had notification that I have now had 1000 views on my blog since i started it 20 days ago!

I never for one moment thought it would even have 100 views as it's just silly old boring me writing about what I eat! I never thought anyone would be in the slightest bit interested in that!

Knowing each day people look to see what I am doing really helps to keep my motivation up as i don't want to let you all down. I hope I have helped you even a tiny bit to see that you are not the only one finding it hard, daunting and of course rewarding!

Thanks so so much once again

Lauren x

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 18 - Cruise

Day 18 - Cruise PP

Well you may have guessed from my cartoon but i had a really odd day today in the sense that i didn't feel hungry at all! I didn't have my porridge this morning, don't worry i will eat it tonight! I just didn't feel hungry this morning and when it came to lunch i felt like i had to force my sandwiches down me.....maybe my stomach has shrunk?

I have decided to treat myself, kind of a reward for sticking to the diet (cough.....minus Sunday!) and brought myself and may not arrive until Friday but I am super excited so maybe that is why I am not hungry!

For dinner tonight I had a ham omelette as i couldn't face the idea of having another disastrous dinner while on the PP day! I used Waitrose wafer thin ham today and it was actually a lot nicer then the Sainsburys one and when it is literally the only flavour it is important to have nice ham!

I'd give today a 7/10!


Oh and P.S. I seem to be missing 2 days! I should be on Day 20!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 17 - Cruise

Day 17 - Cruise PV

Well I was really pleased to see that I had lost the 1lb i put on yesterday when i went on the scales this morning! I guess the horrid dinner was worth it!

I had my porridge this morning and have no converted one of the girls in the office into having it in the morning too! Just before lunch though i had a sick feeling come over me....i don't think it was anything to do with the diet however it did mean that I didn't have any lunch as i was worried i couldn't stomach it.

When it got to about 3.30pm I thought i best eat something as starving yourself is not a way to lose weight! I had 3 slices of bread but no tuna as i didn't feel quite up to it. Again one of the girls decided to try the Dukan bread and she loved it! See it really isn't that bad!

When i got home i marinated some chicken pieces in a tiny bit of Nandos sauce as i made chicken skewers for dinner tonight. It was lovely and tasty especially after last nights disaster! I also had one of my panna cottas that i made yesterday however they were a bit lumpy this time......i must have been having an off day yesterday when it came to cooking!

I'd give this day an 7/10 as although i lost 1lb i didn't if that makes sense?! Lol!


Day 16 - Cruise

Day 16 - Cruise PP

My god, i cannot tell you how worried i was about stepping on the scales this morning.....i was thinking maybe 3 or 4 lbs from yesterdays binging session! On Saturday i was 8st 3lbs 2 i was 8st 4lbs 6 ounces! To be honest just over 1lb i was really pleased about....well as pleased as you can be about putting any weight on!

I got straight back into the diet though. We went food shopping so i got everything i needed for this the way if you are eating a lot of chicken then Waitrose are doing a bit bag of about 8 chicken breast's, individually wrapped so you can keep them in the freezer for £7!

When i came home i had my usual ham omlette......i am boring when it comes to food aren't i! It works for me right now though! For dinner i decided to make the Creamy Garlic Chicken that i had made before but even after 3 attempts i just could not get this right but by then my chicken was cooked so had to make do with plain chicken which left me feeling very frustrated i must say!

I decided to have some jelly and a bowl of chocolate porridge before bed to fill me up!

I'd give today a 5/10


Day 15 - Cruise

Day 15 - Cruise PV

Well i think the picture says it all really doesn't it!

Today was my friends wedding and i knew there was no way in hell would i not be able to drink and not be able to eat the food put in front of me.I decided that was the way it was, i hadn't strayed one bit from the diet, well apart from a few sips of wine so i decided that to do it and beat myself up about it was doubly pointless.

So here is my list of shame:

4 glasses of Champagne
2 wholemeal bread roles
Leak & Potato soup
Roast Beef with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables and gravy
Chocolate Pecan tart
2 Lindt Chocolates
1 slice of wedding cake
1 sausage role
2 large potato wedges
and finally a bar of Galaxy Cookie Crumble for the journey home!

My god just to look at it makes me feel a bit sick! I noticed how bloated my stomach was after the wedding meal and i immediately had a bad stomach as i just don't think my body knew how to deal with it all. I actually felt horrible so the positive thing that i will take away from that spectacular fail of a day is how yucky you can feel when you stuff yourself with rubbish.

I'd give this day a 4/10......not proud of myself at all!


Day 14 - Cruise

Day 14 - PP

So today was a day i was kind of dreading if i am honest. Since starting on the Dukan Diet i have kept myself away from all social events that focus on drinking however my friends 30th was not something i could ignore.

I had my usual porridge in the morning and i had a ham omlette in the afternoon. To cheer myself up I spent a long while getting ready and feeling really good about myself. Dave had brought me a fab new MAC lipgloss to wear and i felt better about myself then i had in ages. It also helped that Dave said i looked really good which boosted my confidence a lot.

When we got out i had a lot of compliments from friends i hadn't seen for a while but i must admit not even that could make me feel that great when everyone around me was drinking and I was the only sober one! I was really proud of myself for staying strong though!

I'd give this day about a 7/10!


Day 13 - Cruise

Day 13 - Cruise PV

Well today it arrived and if you are wondering what i am talking about all i can say is that i should be rollerskating around with a dog on a lead singing 'oh Bodyform, Bodyform for you!' I had read that the diet can affect that but at least now i have a reason as to why i had put on 1lb yesterday!

For breakfast and lunch i had my usual however i could not wait for my chicken and mushroom as i really do love that dish!

At lunch time i went to get a new top to go with my skin tight leggings that i brought yesterday. It really was such a good feeling walking around the shops seeing things that i have avoided even trying on in so long as i knew they wouldn't fit and would leave me feeling really bad about myself.

My chicken and mushroom was as yummy as usual and i had loads of green beans with it, it's amazing how much you appreciate something when you can't normally have it!

I am dreading tomorrow however as we are going out for my friends 30th Birthday and I have decided to drive so i don't drink as we have a wedding on Sunday and i know that I'm going to have to write that day off for food and drink!!

I'd give this day an 8/10!


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 12 - Cruise

Day 12 - Cruise PP

Oh has happened! I got on the scales this morning and i had put just under 1lb on. I was literally devestated. I know i had a PV day yesterday so i didn't expect to lose any weight however i didn't expect to put some on either! The only thing i can think of is that i did have a very large portion of Chicken and Mushrooms so maybe it's that.....i guess we'll see what the scales say tomorrow after my PP day!

I made my normal porridge today however i forgot to put sweetner in it today and it actually doesn' taste much different so what i would say is avoid putting it in as you can then use some of the allowance in other recipes!

I had my tuna mayo sandwich again today which is always lovely! I also decided to make some more Chocolate Panna Cotta's when i got home and actually put my sweetener allowence in that so i shall see how they turn out and let you know tomorrow! As the recipe only needed egg yolks i decided that i would make an egg white omelette so the whites don't go to waste. BIG MISTAKE! It had no flavour whatsoever and was almost rubbery! Such a let down when all i had to look forward to tonight was my omelette! Oh well never mind!

Seeing as i GAINED weight today and had a rubbery egg white omelette i give today....



Monday 22 August 2011

Day 11 - Cruise

Day 11 - Cruise PV

I was so looking forward to today. It's funny really because normally i can take or leave vegetables but right now i pretty much live for my PV days, luckily for me that is every other day!

When i weighed myself this morning i seemed to have a few different readings so when i got into work i popped across to Boots and went on one of their scales. According to them i am 8st 5lbs so without my clothes that makes me about 8st 4lbs.8 which is what i had down! By the way does anyone know what measurement unit is after the pounds on the scales? I would really like to know!

I don't suppose i really need to tell you what i had for breakfast and lunch as it is the same as usual. I know i have said it before but for me this works the best on the diet as it's 2 meals i don't have to worry about a day!

For dinner i was torn between the Nandos chicken skewers with vegetables which were lush or the chicken and mushrooms. In the end i made my decision based on the fact that Dave was at the gym therefore i might as well make use of the hob while he is not in, the Nandos chicken skewers can be done on the George Forman!

Last time i put too much water into it so this time i added 100ml, funnily enough just like the recipe suggested! I also added a tiny few grains of garlic granuals. The whole meal was lovely as well as my broccoli and green beans. You really need to try it if you haven't!

Dave came back in with a Chocolate Surprise from Waitrose. I was so jealous that i just felt like raiding our fridge of all our chocolate however i resisted and instead I'm now just munching my way through some sugar free jelly.....that's if it is possible to munch jelly!! I'll leave you with that thought!

Today was 7/10!


Day 10 - Cruise

Day 10 - Cruise PP

As you can imagine i was very very nervous about going on the scales this morning due to my big Indian meal, (although all the ingredients were allowed) as well as my half glass of wine so you can imagine my surprise when i had actually lost weight! I was down to 8st 4lb 3/4! I am now only 2 3/4 lbs off my target weight so i am very happy!

I made sure that i had my chocolate oatbran porridge today too! For lunch, as i was on a PP day i had a ham omlette and made some Dukan Bread for my sandwiches next week.

I was unsure about what to have for dinner so in the end i opted for the Creamy Garlic Chicken however this time i only used 3 cloves of garlic and added some fine herbes and some basil which actually made it very tasty!

After my Creamy Garlic Chicken i went for some strawberry jelly and a nice cup of peppermint tea!

All in all a good day!



Day 9 - Cruise

Day 9 - Cruise PV

Well i can tell you know that this day went pretty much out of the window....well ok not totally but a bit!

Firstly my mistake was that, as it was Saturday i lay in until 10am and then realised we had to be at a house to view it within an hour so no chocolate porridge therefore no oatbran! This is the first day since i started that i have missed it. House viewings took a lot longer then anticipated and had to grab something between houses. I always forget how hard this is when 'grabbing' something while on the go however i made do with char grilled chicken from Salisbury's and an iced vanilla latte from Starbucks, skimmed milk and sugar free syrup of course!

We got home about 3pm so i decided to make myself an omlette as just a packet of chicken hadn't really filled the hole! It was around this time to wonder down to our local Indian as it was a sunny night. I had asked on the live Dukan chat on Friday what i could have from the Indian so i wasn't worried about that. I would order Chicken Tikka for starter and Chicken Shashlik for main as it came with peppers, tomatoes and onions!

The problem wasn't the Indian it was the sitting outside the Indian with a very small but albeit glass of white wine! I just couldn't help it! I drank half of it and left the other half and decided not beat myself up about it as that makes it even more pointless if it makes me feel miserable!

After the Indian, seeing as i couldn't have any dessert (let alone the poppadoms and naan bread!) i had one of my chocolate panna cottas when i came home.

I had a really good day and felt positive however it was annoying when i was out and about and came up against the same problem what to eat and obviously i did slip with my half a glass of wine!

I'd say it was 6/10!


Day 8 - Cruise

Day 8 - Cruise PP

So i have now been on the Dukan Diet 1 week and celebrated by starting my day the normal way with the chocolate oat bran porridge.......mmmmm it is yummy! I didn't snack on anything between breakfast and lunch however i did hit a problem. McDonalds is right across the road and when i went outside all i could smell is the delicious cheeseburgers. I can honestly say i wanted to go in and buy 10 of them and to make it worse i was standing there thinking 10 days ago there would have been nothing stopping me from going in there and ordering a cheeseburger and fries! Just writing about it now makes me feel hungry! Oh well i plodded back to the office and had my tuna sandwich!

The next problem I had was that Dave and I decided to go and see Harry Potter that evening. You may be wondering why this is a problem, after all it's nice to go the cinema is it not?? NO is the answer to that when you can't watch the film with a bag of peanut M&M's in your lap! The thought of passing all the sweets, ice cream and popcorn was literally like torture.

I decided to try and fill myself up before i went so hopefully i wouldn't feel like eating anything anyway! As we were in a rush to get the cinema i put 2 chicken breasts on the George Foreman grill and brushed a light coating of Nandos sauce on them. I have to admit that after the 2 chicken breasts i was full up however i thought to be on the safe side i would take 2 small slices of my Dukan Bread!

The film was great, make sure you see it if you haven't, but it really was hard not having and sweets or popcorn!

I'd say this day was about 5/10 as i did feel a lot of frustration however i did get through it! Yay!


Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 7 - Cruise PV

Day 7 - Cruise PV

Well i was praying for a slight change on the scales but alas it was to no avail! I am still at my 8st 5lbs mark but hey ho my scales always used to read 8st 12lbs so still an improvement!

So guess what i had for breakfast.........chocolate oatbran! It really is delicious though! For lunch i also had my usual tuna mayo sandwich. I know you are probably thinking this is really boring but it works for me as i like it, i can make the bread ahead of time for the week, make the may then just mix in tuna everyday so it takes away the 'oh god what can i have for lunch' which only results in wondering around Sainsburys and feeling depressed of all the chocolate, bread, pasta i can't have!

After yesterdays disaster with the chocolate cake i decided to try something else chocolately to make and i found the recipe for Chocolate Pana Cotta. It was really easy to make. I divided the mixture into 2 ramekins and put them in the fridge to set!

My chocolate panna cotta after it set!

After i had made my dessert for later, you can read how it tasted further on, it was time to make my dinner. As i was on a PV day i was determined to make the most of my vegtables. I found a recipe for Chicken & Mushrooms on Again this was really easy to make and with not many ingredients. The only thing i did wrong was add a little too much water so it was a bit runnier then it could have been however it tasted amazing and i had it with some steamed tendersteams. Oh and in case you were wondering i had a second helping of chicken and mushrooms as well as tender-steams then what is show in the photo below :)

My yummy Chicken & Mushrooms!
After I had my chicken and mushrooms it was time to try my chocolate panna cotta and it didn't disappoint however it wasn't that chocolatey but the recipe says to use chocolate flavouring i think where as i used cocoa powder so maybe that is why! It was still really nice though and the recipe gave me enough to make two ramekins worth so i have one for tomorrow too!

This was a much better day today and although i haven't lost any weight i haven't put any on and i had yummy food today!

8/10 today!


Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 6 - Cruise PP

Day 6 - Cruise PP

This morning when i jumped on the scales i was relieved to see that i hadn't put any weight on however i hadn't lost any either.......again! I had a real panic about my bloating last night which i think may be down to constipation.....either that or i am allergic to oatbran, lets hope not!

So as usual i had my chocolate oatbran porridge which was as lovely as usual! Come to lunch time i was very pleased to get to have my tuna sandwich as i actually felt very hungry! I had also taken off all the chicken from my left over skewer last night so i had that to snack on in the afternoon.

When i got home i decided to make the Creamy Chocolate Cake. Well i put all the ingredients in and if i'm honest it didn't taste of much so i did put some more cocoa powder and and sweetener in then was in the recipe. I put the mixture into 4 ramekins and filled them to the top. After 20 minutes they had risen....considerably! The mixture seems to be more like a soufflé then a creamy chocolate cake. I have tasted it and it tastes....ok but not amazing and certainly doesn't resemble the photo at all! I have taken a photo of it but they have sunk now!

My chocolate cakes after they have sunk!

So after that slightly disappointing start i made a start on my chicken soufflé. I wasn't really in the mood for it to be honest after the soufflé texture of the chocolate cake but i had planned my meals so wanted to stick to that. The chicken soufflé was very quick and easy to make however i didn't think a great deal of it if i am honest. It didn't have that much flavour and i didn't like the savoury soufflé...i had never had one before!

So all in all a disappointing day where food is concerned but never mind, not every day can be good! I would say to avoid these 2 recipes though if i'm honest.

I'd give today 5/10.......but tomorrow is another day!


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Day 5 - Cruise PV

Day 5 - Cruise PV

Well as you know from my last blog i was very worried when i went to bed yesterday about what my weight would be doing today however i shouldn't have worried! I hadn't lost weight but i hadn't put any on and i am due my little pain in the arse.....i mean gift from Mother Nature in the next day or 2 so i'm guessing my weight may go up with that!

You'll be pleased to know that i managed to make my porridge correctly today and it was yummy! I didn't have any snacks between breakfast and lunch but to be honest i didn't feel hungry. At lunch i had my usual tuna dukan mayo and dukan bread which i am loving more each day! The mayo is really yummy and who knew that Dijon Mustard would complement tuna so well!

I made sure i drank my 1 1/2 litre of water at work so i could have some diet coke when i came home! I am also driving everyone in the office nuts as i am telling them to try the diet!

When i got home i decided to try the Quick n'easy Chocolate Drop Cookies again after yesterdays disaster. I decided to put all the ingredients in one bowl however when i put it in the tray it all just ran together as it was too runny and it was totally tasteless.....honestly, i don't know if it is me, i am unable to cook but if anyone has tried to make these please please tell me how to do it!

I decided for my tea tonight to make chicken skewers with mushroom, peppers and onion......may as well make use of my vegetable day! Like last time that i made chicken i marinaded the chicken in a little Nandos Medium Peri Peri sauce just to give it a kick and i added some garlic granules too.

My Nandos Chicken Skewers!

I cut up half a pepper that i had left from the other day although i like pepper so in hindsight i wish i had of had a whole one! 1 onion and 6 mushrooms. I then threaded all the veg and Nandos chicken alternatively onto the skewers. I put them in my George Foreman for 8 minutes and the smell was AMAZING! Even my 'normal' eating boyfriend was jealous! As you can see from the photo all the fat ran out to the bottom and left the most delicious tasting skewers! They were so yummy i can hardly begin to describe and that tiny bit of Nando's sauce gave them that little kick!

I'd say it has been a good day on the diet today and i have enjoyed all my meals especially the chicken skewers just incase you hadn't noticed!

8/10 today!


Day 4 - Cruise PP

Day 4 - Cruise PP

Well after my first day of vegetables I was very worried about getting onto the scales.....however I shouldn't have been! I lost another 1lb so I am no down to 8st 5lbs. I must say though I don't think that I look like I have lost 6lbs but never mind!

I set off for work with loads of stuff in my bag, tuna with Dukan Mayo, Dukan Bread, Skimmed Milk, Cocoa Powder, Sweetener, Oat Bran and Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt! When I walked into the office the first question I got are you still doing the diet? This question may give you an idea of how very little people, myself included thought I would stick to this however when I told them I had lost 6lbs in total and had made my own bread they were very impressed.

I had been looking forward to the Chocolate Oatbran porridge so I was very annoyed with myself when I clearly put too much milk in the bowl and had more of a runny hot chocolate but never mind it was still the chocolate fix I needed!

I was very much looking forward to lunchtime when I could tuck into my tuna and Dukan Mayo on Dukan Bread. The sandwiches did not disappoint and made me feel normal eating a sandwich at lunchtime!

I decided the best thing to, to take away some of the stress of eating was to plan all my meals for the week ahead, find out what ingredients I needed and then hit Waitrose!

To give you an idea my shopping list consisted of the following:

1 pint of Skimmed Milk
Reclosable bags - to freeze my chicken breasts!
2 x Pack of 4 chicken breasts, they were on offer, two packs for £8
Dried Garlic Granules
5 Spice Powder
Fine Mixed Herbs
2 tins of tuna
Fat Free Fromage Frais
Know reduced fat chicken stock
1 lemon
1 pack of mushrooms
Powdered skimmed milk.

Total: 29.03

This should pretty much see me through until Monday. I already had Oatbran, Wheatbran, Sweetener, Low Fat cocoa powder, Dijon Mustard, Extra light Philadelphia, fat free natural yogurt and jelly.

I was pleased with my shop and glad that I don't have to worry about getting different ingredients everyday however it would appear there is a downside to the diet......irritability. I managed to have 2 rows with my boyfriend last night (we have since come to a truce 50/50 spilt for the blame!) but I would like to publicly like to apologise to him for my short temper in the weeks to come! Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyway........once the rows were out of the way I got on with my baking! I made a new batch of Dukan Bread as I had wheat germ in my last batch which apparently you are not allowed to use! My bread certainly came out better the last time and I really cannot stress how quick and easy it is to make!

I then moved onto making the Quick n'easy Chocolate Drop Cookies.......what a disaster! I followed the recipes to the letter folding in the egg whites, which if you ask me is something you do for meringues, and the finished product was a meringue style blob with random bits of oatban and cocoa lumps in it! They were so bad that I threw them away before remembering to take a photo! I am going to try again tomorrow night but instead of separating the eggs I am going to put it all into one bowl to make it more like a biscuit mixture, I shall report how I get on!

For tea I had a ham omelette so nothing too fancy but to be honest after all that food shopping and banking I was pretty knackered and didn't sit down until 9pm! I whacked my slendertone on for 30 minutes which is like doing 100 abdominal crunches and seeing as we are only supposed to do 12 I thought that was pretty good going......oh and I was eating a jelly at the same time!

Just before I went to bed I stupidly thought....ooh I’ll weigh myself....big mistake! I had put on 3lbs and I started to panic that all my weight was going to come back. After a few frantic tweets and some kind and reassuring words from other tweeters I calmed down, went to bed and prayed for a good weigh in the next day!

I would give this day a 6/10.


Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 3 - Cruise Phase

Today i started my cruise phase. I was so excited at the prospect of eating vegetables (even though ordinarily i am not a fan) that i actually stayed up until midnight so i could get my instructions for the day!

I went on the scales, again a little tentatively, and to my horror it said i weighed 8st 11lbs meaning i had put on 4lbs! I thought this couldn't be right so moved the scales somewhere else, maybe the floor wasn't even! Sure enough i was right and after triple checking in different locations i was thrilled to see that i was 8st 6lbs! 

As i am in the cruise phase i thought i would make good use of the cocoa powder i am allowed. First of all i tasted the Tahitian flan thing i made last night but screwed tasted vile so i got rid of that quickly. Then the bread caught my eye, the bread that had smelt delicious the night before so i cut a slice off and it is delicious! I am not just saying that it really is nice!

I decided to cut it up into slices and i wrapped 3 each in foil meaning it will stay fresh and i can take it to work for sandwiches!

My bread from yesterday looking more...well bread like!

Now back to the cocoa powder allowance, i @dukanchef told me of a great Chocolate Oatbran Porridge recipe on his website so i decided to make that for my breakfast. It was really easy to make even while i was on the phone to my Mum telling her how much weight i had lost and how her and Dad should really try it!

I was weary of trying porridge as from a child i had always had a 'thing' about it, maybe it was because of the wolf link! Anyway after my first mouthful of this i was sold and will certainly be having it for breakfast tomorrow!

My Chocolate Oatbran Porridge...yummy!

After I had my porridge i decided that i was going to make tuna with Dukan Mayonnaise and have it for my lunch so when my boyfriend arrived home with the car i made him come 'Dukan' food shopping with me! I got all the bits and bobs i needed and then we came to the end of an isle where something was on sale......that something was a Lean Mean Fat Free grilling machine by George Forman. It was a steal, down from £49.97 to £24.99. I decided this would be a brilliant way of cooking lovely juicy meat without oil. It also takes away any excess fat! As well as health wise it makes life so much easier for Dave and I. We live in a 2 bed modern apartment which is lovely however the drawback is our lounge & Kitchen/Diner are all in one big room and our kitchen is just along one wall so next to no room to prepare food and only with a small dishwasher so the prospect of cooking 2 separate meals from scratch was not appealing to either of us! With my George Forman i have plugged it in next to the kettle and tonight i will cook everything on that while Dave gets to cook his dinner on the hob!

My George Foreman!
In Tescos i also brought some of their value containers so i can make food the night before to take to work and to also keep my Dukan Mayonnaise and Dukan Vinaigrette.

When i got home and argued with Dave as to who was going to open the box as it looked so excited, i changed my attention to lunch! I decided to make myself some Dukan Herb Mayonnaise to go with my tuna. I cannot seem to find the recipe on line however it can be found on page 168 of The Dukan Diet book. It was so easy to make.

My Dukan Herb Mayonnaise
If we're honest it didn't taste a bloody thing like mayonnaise however i actually really liked it and with the tuna it went really well! I had my three slices which i cut in half which basically made up 3/4 of a normal size sandwich however the bread is heavier then normal bread so for me this was just right. The sandwiches were yummy and most of all they have taken a massive weight off my shoulders in regards to what to eat for lunch at work!

Now as most of you may all be finding one of the drawbacks to this diet is that fact that when the body burns fat it doesn't smell good and that smell comes out of our mouth. I can taste a not too pleasant taste in my mouth but i can't smell it however my boyfriend can! I had a look for some ideas and on the forum it said to drink Peppermint tea so i have had one of those and it certainly did help although i think i shall just go and by Wrigley's Extra in bulk tomorrow!

It was time to cook my dinner and use the George Foreman for the first time, it really is so simple! You just wipe the tinniest bit of oil on and i mean 1/4 of a teaspoon over the grill with paper towel. The grill comes with a recipe book and a guideline of how long things should take. For chicken they recommend 7-8 minutes and for vegetables 2 minutes. I put the chicken on the grill however i looked at our Nandos Peri Peri sauce that i love and there is not sugar in there at all just a bit of sunflower oil so i literally wiped less then a teaspoon over the chicken to give it a bit of a kick. I put it on the grill and that was it, i did nothing else at all!

My dinner on the grill....can you see the fat that comes out!
I was amazed by how much fat came out of the chicken and it all tasted lovely! I would def recommend this as a way of cooking at getting through the diet with the least fuss!

I'd say this has been another positive day and feel a lot more prepared for this week. I'll make some more tuna dukan mayo to take to work with me for lunch and i shall be having my chocolate porridge in the morning for sure!

I'd give this day an 8/10!


Saturday 13 August 2011

Day 2 - Attack

Today is my second day of the attack phase. I woke up this morning and tentatively got on the scales...i couldn't believe my eyes! I had lost 2lbs and was lighter then i had been for over a year! I was down to 8st 7lbs and my target weight is 8st 2lbs.

However this good news did come with a slight price! Firstly i had a very disturbed nights sleep as i was up and down to the loo a fair few times. Also when i got up this morning i felt very light headed and if i'm honest my eyes wouldn't focus properly when i was reading the scales. This feeling lasted all morning and most of the day!

Once i had got over the shock of losing 2lbs in 24 hours and annoying my boyfriend to death i tucked into my fat free vanilla yogurt and 1 1/2 tbl spoon of oatbran. I had read on the forum that a bit of sweetener works wonders and it certainly does! It tasted so much better and i am actually looking forward to eating it tomorrow!

I decided to go and get some ingredients from the shops to make some bits and bobs that i had seen a recipe for however it was not the best idea! Seeing as i am waiting for my new car and my boyfriend had the car for the day i caught the train to town however the problem was that as soon as i got there i felt very faint almost as if i wasn't in my own body and trying to find something to eat in a shop was virtually impossible so i struggled on. I picked up my ingredients and just prayed i'd make it too the train, i really wish i'd of had my car so i could have gone earlier but never mind!

When i got home i made myself an ham omlette. I then attempted to make a 1 minute Cocoa Tahitian Flan which i don't think has gone too well but i can't try it until tomorrow as i cannot have the cocoa powder until my cruise phase! I had a problem melting the cream cheese and then i burt the milk to the pan.......grr!

The next thing i decided to try was the Duken bread as i thought this would be great for work lunches with some tuna and Dukan mayonaise! I found this Dukan Bread recipe which seemed to look the most like bread! It was easy enough to make although i didn't put enough yeast in it so it could have risen a bit more! I am confident though that they will make nice little bitsizes with some tuna!

My Dukan Bread!

After i made the bread which smelt delicious but i can't eat until tomorrow i turned to the Creamy Garlic Chicken Strips. I love garlic and chicken so this seemed right up my street. I must say that it was really easy and quick to make. I think the only thing i would say is that i think there is too much garlic in it and for me to say that is quite something! However this is something you can alter according to your taste!

My creamy Garlic Chicken Strips

It might be a bit hard to see from the photo but that is what it looked like!

All in all i would say it was a good day although anyone who says this diet doesn't need planning is lying! You constantly have to think ahead of what you can eat!

I'm now about to settle down with my last glass of water for the day, a raspberry sugar free jelly and the notebook dvd.

I'd give this day 7/10


Friday 12 August 2011

Day 1 - Attack

So today was my first day of the Dukan Diet and it has been stressful!

I started the morning with fat free vanilla yogurt and 1 1/2 tbl spoons of oatbran. I am going to be honest was not great however it was not inedible! I think my problem is i normally have coco pops.....mmmmm coco pops, sorry just had a lapse of thinking how good coco pops would be right now! Anyway back to the day!

At about 10am i felt peckish so nipped to Sainsburys and after looking at the hot and spicy chicken, bbq chicken etc i realised the the only chicken i could have was the chargrilled chicken. I got a 100g packet and took it back to my desk at work and ate it all. It was weird to just eat plain chicken but it was ok.

My next dilemma was lunch! I had it in my head that i could go to the deli counter at Sainsburys and get some hot chicken thighs however when i got back to my desk, myself and the rest of the office concluded that it was covered in oil and even without the skin i was unsure that i could eat it. Luckily for me one of the girls took the chicken off my hands and it was back to Sainsburys for another packet of chargrilled chicken. By this point i was BORED of plain chicken and was seriously fretting about what i was going to eat for the next 28 days!

I found a website called created by @dukanchef which had loads of great recipes and a little more user friendly then the actual Ducan site. There I saw a recipe called Creamy Garlic Chicken. I love garlic so for me this was a god send. I have brought all the ingredients, if you want to try it just leave out the soy sauce and use fat free yogurt if you cannot find the Nestle creamy yogurt. I am making it for dinner tomorrow night so i will let you know what it is like!

On the Dukan website i also found a recipe for 1 minute Cocoa Tahitian Flan and seeing as i am only on the attack phase for 2 days i thought i would get the ingredients so i can make it tomorrow night and have it ready for Sunday, again i shall let you know what it is like!

I have drunk my 1 1/2 litres of water as well as a snack size bottle of diet coke. I must admit i was confused by what i could drink and when but i think this is ok!

I have felt a bit down today but i think it is just because it is not easy to just 'grab' something to eat and to be honest i was not prepared enough. I am having an omelette with the processed ham that you are allowed.....may even have 2 seeing as they are not that big and i have raspberry sugar free jelly for dessert.

I weighed myself when i got in and had put on a 1lb but after may a frantic tweet i have found it is best to weigh yourself in the morning.

I have done my report for the Dukan site and said i was missing chocolate.....oh well my boyfriend has brought me some strawberry and lime sugar free gum so hopefully that will help with the sugar craving.

All in all i give this day a 4/10 but tomorrow is another day and have my garlic chicken to look forward to!

L x

Thursday 11 August 2011

So it starts tomorrow!

I officially start my Dukan Diet tomorrow and i am feeling a little nervous about it! I have had a ham omlette for dinner as my boyfriend is out and it is quick and easy and already kick starts my attack phase!

My stats are:

8st 12lbs
5ft 3
27 years old

I have brought the oatbran and tried it with fat free greek yogurt......i did not enjoy that so i will try fat free vanilla yogurt tomorrow morning!

I am not sure what i am going to eat tomorrow lunchtime at work, maybe i will get some hot chicken from the deli counter.

I have signed up for the Dukan Coaching so i am excited to receive my instruction email tomorrow to get me on my way.

I sure am going to miss Chocolate and Alcohol though!

Wish me luck!